Dr. Shelley Reciniello
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About Me
Hello and welcome.
My name is Dr. Shelley Reciniello but most people call me Dr. Shelley. I have spent close to 40 years as a psychologist determined “to give psychology away,” by demystifying psychological and psychoanalytic principles, and providing people and organizations with thoughtful, practical information and methods to change their lives. And I endeavor to do that with empathy, inspiration, and humor.

Areas of Specialization
Executive Coaching
When I coach, I focus on providing people and organizations with thoughtful, practical information and methods to change their lives...
Leadership Development
I work with leaders individually and/or in groups or teams. I also create full development programs with seminars and workshops to address the specific leadership goals of an organization...
Organizational Consultation
Why do things go wrong in companies that shouldn’t? I have found that the answer often lies deep beneath the surface in the unconscious processes of leaders and their employees...
Other Areas of Expertise
Finance, The Arts, Fashion and Luxury Goods ...
Women in the Workplace
I have been researching, writing articles, and creating workshops for women in the workplace since 1995...
Popular Presentations:
The Conscious Leader
Breaking the Glass Ceiling Within ™
The Psychology of Tea...
The Conscious Leader
It’s Psychology, Watson, That’s Elementary
I wrote The Conscious Leader for leaders, men and women, who want to understand and practice the kind of leadership that is necessary in the 21st Century. But as I have always known, and as kind readers have been telling me, these 9 Principles and Practices are also applicable to anyone at any level who would like work to be a more positive, satisfying, and enjoyable experience.
Whether you work for a big corporation or your own small business, whether you are a senior leader or are just starting out in the workplace, succeeding in business requires much more than fulfilling your job description. It also means navigating the psychological terrain of people at work.